Cedric Bischetti

Coach · Thérapeute · Stratège à impacts


I have been a social entrepreneur for over five years creating and developing an NGO, Makers For Change, a dream experience for which I have been awarded several times. Today, I work as a partner in crime and mentor of entrepreneur’s projects, helping leaders of ideas or projects, freelancers to build their project by taking into account their personalities, experiences and values.

Cedric Bis est une entreprise individuelle portée par Cédric Bischetti entrepreneur et innovateur social. Au fil de ses expériences il a accompagné des dizaines de personnes aux origines et backgrounds divers dans leurs projets de vie. Il s’est doté de nombreux outils et techniques performantes afin de devenir le complice de votre développement et de vos projets qui font sens !

His ambition is to allow everyone to find their path, to flourish and to find themselves through the acquisition of new skills. That way, people can feel the positive impact they can have on themselves and that they can pass on to Others.

His belief is that everyone has talents and the power to act, to make this world a better place.

His expertise est l’écoute empathique, la construction de projets de sens et la révélation de vos potentiels.

His favorite interlocutors and partners sont les étudiants, les personnes en quête de sens, les créatifs, les porteurs d’idées ou projets, les indépendants et entrepreneurs (sociaux ou non) ; en résumé, tous ceux qui œuvrent ou souhaitent œuvrer pour un avenir plus positif pour eux et les autres !

His fertile field of action is our planet. This is made possible by new information and communication technologies. His idea is to start with digital exchanges and then meet physically and always develop long-term partnerships.

Cedric Bis travaille sans cesse dans le souci de construire un environnement propice à votre développement et celui de vos projets. Il recherche constamment des nouvelles techniques et outils performants qui vous permettent de devenir, avec humilité, les acteurs des changements d’aujourd’hui!

Makers For Change is an NGO which I founded back in 2015. Based in Strasbourg, France, it worked with newcomers from forced migration in order to facilitate their socio-professional inclusion, through socio-linguistic workshops, empowerment programs for the creation of projects in intercultural teams and the organization of numerous events facilitating meetings between newcomers and locals.

Over the years, the organization has multiplied its impact by increasing the number of people supported. Not only that, but also by organizing with multiple partners federative events bringing together more than 1,500 people. Furthermore, it was also done by strengthening its partnerships with the local ecosystem and institutional networks and by creating relations with companies.

Here are some digits showing the association:

  • Over a 100 direct beneficiaries
  • Over 20 projects created by intercultural teams
  • Over 100 events organized in 5 years
  • Over 20,000 participants in events
  • Over 50 active members
  • A team of 8 permanent staff

Various partners: Municipalities, Ministries, European Union, Companies, Social partners…

Budgets 2015 - 2019: € 3,000 to more than € 160,000





Notre planète est mon adresse, retrouvons-nous digitalement pour nous rencontrer ensuite physiquement. En attendant, j’ai posé mes valises dans ma ville natale située au carrefour de l’Europe, à Strasbourg.

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